23° North. 90° Left.
Whilst searching for locations for filming 23° North the most interesting direction to photograph is quite often not north and either to the left or right or completely in the other direction. These photos are all from either the exact locations as the film or near by but just looking in any other direction but north. Always seeming more interesting than the shot I was choosing to make a time-lapse off, and regularly making me regret the self imposed rule I have set for the film.
36°N. Tarifa, Spain. 2015
36°N. Tarifa, Spain. 2015
37°N. Parque Natural Doñana, Spain. 2015
38°N. Estrela, Portugal. 2015
38°N. Estrela, Portugal. 2015
40°N. Torre, Serra da Estrela, Portugal. 2015
41°N. Douro, Spain. 2015